Fear of Failure

I've talked to many artists who shared that they didn't pursue an opportunity or start a project because they were afraid of making a mistake or failing.

Failure is a necessity of invention and innovation. It is something that artists should embrace and explore. In fact, I hope you create beautiful disasters and learn from the happy accidents you encounter along the way.

Past the point of failure is where true growth happens. It is where we learn and adapt. If failure happens, don't give up! Instead, use it as an opportunity to review, question, and make changes. Don't be afraid of failing!

"It's only when you risk failure that you discover things. When you play it safe, you're not expressing the utmost of your human experience." ― Lupita Nyong'o

Be brave - fail courageously and try again!

Thanks for reading!
Courtney Wasson, Executive Director


Art Galleries as “Third Spaces"


Emerging vs. Established Artists